

Playwright and Founder of Sheep Theater

Best Theater Troupe, City Pages Best of Twin Cities 2018

The Good Boy and The Kid_Performed by Sheep Theater, directed by Michael Torsch.
artwork by Iris Rose Page.


The Assassination of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary Franz Ferdinand_Performed by Sheep Theater, directed by Michael Torsch.
artwork by Iris Rose Page.


George_Performed by Sheep Theater, directed by Michael Torsch.
artwork by Iris Rose Page.

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Tamburlaine_Performed by Sheep Theater, directed by Michael Torsch.
artwork by Iris Rose Page.

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The Minotaur: Or Amelia Earhart is alive and well and traveling through the underworld.
Performed by Sheep Theater, directed by Michael Torsch.
Written in collaboration with Iris Rose Page and Michael Rogers
artwork by Iris Rose Page.


A Cult Classic_Performed by Sheep Theater, directed by Michael Torsch.
artwork by Iris Rose Page


Kaboom_Performed by Sheep Theater, directed by Michael Torsch, written in collaboration with Iris Rose Page.
artwork by Iris Rose Page.


Pinocchio_Performed by Sheep Theater, directed by Michael Torsch, written in collaboration with Michael Rogers.
artwork by Iris Rose Page.


The Most Dangerous Game_Performed by Sheep Theater, directed by Michael Torsch.
artwork by Iris Rose Page.

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Deus Ex Machina_Performed by Sheep Theater, directed by Michael Torsch.

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